
Monday, May 7, 2012

For Churches & From Our Church: A message for Upper Cumberland Pride

Come ToGather joyfully supported the first Upper Cumberland Pride on Saturday, May 5, 2012.

Embrace all persons as children of God, created in the image of God, unconditionally loved by God & of sacred worth, including yourself.

Seek out & join companions who are passionately committed to ending discrimination, offering sanctuary, & achieving equality for LGBT persons & their families.

Break the silence & challenge the conspiracy of false witness borne against LGBT persons & their families in both church & society.

Nurture a theology & practice of hospitality within your church family, ministry, &   community.

Create & foster safe, welcoming, & affirming spaces for LGBT persons, parents, &     families to come out, to live with integrity, & to tell the truth of their lives & faith stories.

Start conversations about love, sexual ethics, marriage, & faithful relationships for all   persons regardless of sexual orientation or gender.

Celebrate your life & faith journey as a gift from God & be the change you seek to make in the church & world.

Adapted from More Light Presbyterians.